Colorado Office California Offices
500 Rosita St 2504 Ash St 1220 41st Ave Suite 1
Westcliffe, CO 81252 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Santa Cruz, CA 95010
https://lokkenchiropractic.com https://spineandtherapy.com https://santacruzchiro.com
719 332-7388
Chiropractic Adjustment
Head, Heart, Hands
Chiropractors are known for the Chiropractic adjustment. At Lokken Chiropractic Dr Shane Lokken adjusts with out rotating and twisting the neck and low back. He has created his own technique which is a combination of his dads low force adjustments and Thompson technique. All adjustments are performed on a Thompson Drop table for the most comfortable experience possible.
Treatment includes:
- Assessment
- Adjustment (hands-on or Activator)
- Education, stretches, and exercises