Colorado Office California Offices
500 Rosita St 2504 Ash St 1220 41st Ave Suite 1
Westcliffe, CO 81252 Palo Alto, CA 94306 Santa Cruz, CA 95010
719 332-7388
What is the Lokken Technique?

Muscle Work
Muscle work is NOT the same as a massage.
Muscle work is the combination of advanced stretching and muscle activation to increase pliability and decrease the likelihood of injury from sudden movements.
Muscle work is used to limit the pain associated with a nerve entrapment as well as help decrease healing time post-injury.
Diagnostic Ultrasound
POCUS- Point Of Care Ultra Sound- Used to evaluate soft tissue injury.
X-ray evaluates bones
Ultrasound evaluates everything else (muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, organs, blood flow, connective tissue).
This is the newest, most affordable diagnostic tool usually only found at the best hospitals and is pain-free and safe for all ages.